Sky Art Foundation艺术展 ∕ Some stories

The international exhibition of the illustration presented at the Sky Art Foundation in 2018, the Pictoric Illustrators Club presented works by 35 artists from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Argentina, Chile, Iran, Japan. The exhibition “Some Stories” tells witty, cheerful, and sometimes dramatic stories about love, friendship, life’s vicissitudes that happen to each of us. Each work is a separate story depicted by the illustrator through unique images, characters, and heroes. At the exhibition, you can follow the actual trends of contemporary illustration, the diversity of stylistics and techniques from leading world illustratorsPictoric Illustrators Club于2018年在天空艺术基金会(Sky Art Foundation)上展出了插画的国际展览,展示了来自乌克兰,波兰,德国,法国,意大利,葡萄牙,匈牙利,阿根廷,智利,伊朗,日本的35位艺术家的作品。展览“一些故事”讲述了我们每个人发生的关于爱情,友情和生活变迁的机智,开朗,有时甚至是戏剧性的故事。每个作品都是插画家通过独特的图像,角色和英雄描绘的单独故事。在展览中,您可以了解当代插画的实际趋势,世界一流插画家的风格和技术多样性

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