赫尔曼佩克尔水彩作品展图录Herman Pekel – Watercolour Paintings

■文件名:Herman Pekel – Watercolour Paintings
■简介:Melbourne-based artist Herman Pekel has been painting professionally for over 40 years and is predominantly known for his tonal street scenes and his sensitive portrayals of the Australian landscape. An abundantly gifted artist who is remarkably skilled in different mediums, he is unquestionably better known for his oil paintings. Yet it is with watercolour that he peerlessly demonstrates a mastery beyond reproach. Pekel takes us on a journey with this divine collection. Comparable with his oils, these watercolour paintings are characterised by graceful fluidity and mesmerising light; some in brilliant contrasting colours, others nuanced with harmonising warm grey-green hues. A prolific painter who is always experimenting and pushing boundaries with supreme confidence, Pekel paints without inhibition in this medium. There are no second chances with watercolour; the artist tempers spontaneity with intuitive control. His gestural approach to subject invites the viewer in, yet offers scope for interpretatio

墨尔本艺术家赫尔曼·佩克尔(Herman Pekel)从事专业绘画已有40多年,以其色调鲜明的街景和对澳大利亚风景的敏感描绘而闻名。他是一位才华横溢的艺术家,对不同的媒介有着非凡的造诣,毫无疑问,他的油画更为人所知。然而,正是在水彩画方面,他表现出无可非议的精湛技艺。佩克尔带我们踏上了这一神圣收藏之旅。与他的油画相比,这些水彩画的特点是优美的流动性和迷人的光线;一些颜色鲜明对比,另一些则与温暖的灰绿色色调相协调。佩克尔是一位多产的画家,他总是满怀信心地尝试和突破边界,在这种媒介中毫无抑制地作画。水彩画没有第二次机会;艺术家用直觉控制来锻炼自发性。他对主题的手势方法吸引了观众,但也提供了解释的空间

