精神之上|玻璃艺术家 Lino Tagliapietra的艺术

■文件名:IN SPIRIT  |  the Art of Lino Tagliapietra
■简介:Schantz Galleries in Stockbridge, Massachusetts is the destination for visitors to experience firsthand the works of more than fifty internationally recognized artist working in glass. Our gallery works with individuals, museums and corporations in building collections of art glass sculpture and installations by world renowned glass artists. The gallery is committed to exhibiting works by established and emerging artists, and working to curate museum shows throughout the country to further expose the artists we represent. In addition to curating exhibitions at the the Bergstrom Mahler Museum of Glass, the New Britain Museum of Art, the Morris Museum, Montgomery Museum and the Worcester Center for Craft, Jim Schantz curated an exhibition of works in glass by twelve artists outside at Chesterwood Nati onal Historical Site.
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